Prophetic Insights for 2025

Prophetic Insights for 2025 

Transmission by Weff Xaveair and Joy Mogami

Dear Ascending Community,

We have entered an unprecedented cycle in this new year of 2025. In the prophetic fields, there are different waves and timelines of potential events that will unfold this year.

As a Divine Union, currently commissioned to work, analyze, and archive what unfolds in the prophetic fields, we offer the following transmission as an overview and analysis of what this year will bring for the collective consciousness.

We hope that these prophetic insights will support those who are committed to this impulse of change and momentous return of higher consciousness that is taking place.

In this Field Report, we will cover the following:

  1. The Energy of Completion

  2. The Dispensation of the Christ Impulse

  3. The Truth in the Heart

  4. Entering The Monadic Field of the Soul

  5. Anchoring Our Soul’s Purpose & Mission Work

The Energy of Completion

As a collective, we have been participating in the celestial movements of a nine-year cycle. The ninth year of the current nine-year cycle is 2025.  This means the theme of completion will be the leading energy for the collective consciousness in 2025. Essentially, many things will be coming to an end as we prepare for a new nine-year cycle in 2026. 

On an individual level, each one of us will work on completing the soul and karmic tasks that have been unfolding in the current nine-year cycle.  Each one of us will be tasked with completing these unique tasks at the level of our initiations, consciousness, and the psycho-spiritual work we have done thus far. 

The completion process will unfold in two ways: 

  1.  Some will complete their tasks because they stepped forth and accepted the responsibility required to address their soul and karmic energies. Those who are here will enter a new stream of experiences as an expanded, healed, and organic prophetic timeline opens up for them. 

  2. Some will fail to complete their tasks because they did not embrace the responsibilities that were required in this nine-year cycle. Essentially, they will have to repeat their soul and karmic lessons. A new cycle will also begin for them, but it will be another iteration of the same soul and karmic tasks that they didn't complete. 

On a collective level, the energy of completion will be reflected by a rapid acceleration of the awakening and disclosure impulse that has been unfolding in the last nine years. 

Since 2016, the beginning of the nine-year cycle, we experienced a quantum leap with regard to the massive awakening of consciousness. This quantum leap accelerated in 2020 when we received an abundance of spiritual energies that supported an awakening and disclosure impulse.  

From this awakening and disclosure impulse, as individuals and the collective, we have been restructuring, consolidating, and harmonizing the karmic energies of the greater prophetic timeline that started two thousand years ago. 

This spiritual awakening and disclosure impulse that has been alive for the last nine years will heighten as the world begins to truly discern, understand, and see what is false versus what is true in our world.

During this year of completion, the veils of deceit, misalignment, and falsities that have been operating in the collective unconscious will be revealed. We will continue to see the disclosure of false idolatry and power that has been projected to different people in leadership, influence, power, and fame across all the major industries of our world. 

We will clearly see the inorganic energies, the falsities, and the malevolent forces that have been operating behind these different individuals of influence. Contrarily, those who have been fully invested in deceitful influence will rise in ignorance fueled by blind, mimicked,  and artificial passion.

Naturally, in both the physical and spiritual realms, we will see the collapse of energetic programs and systems that have been siphoning the collective consciousness.  

As the spirit of discernment grows in magnitude, there will be a synthesis and embrace of the impulse of divine truth. The impulse of divine truth promotes the cosmic law that each of us has the spiritual birthright to be sovereign and in the right command of our life force.  

This is the year when many will come to the jarring and raw truth of the different ways we have been haphazardly dispersing and wasting our life force on energetic spaces and systems that are designed to deplete and degenerate our living vessels and souls. 

Most importantly, there will be a massive collapse of false and artificial foundations that have been knowingly or unknowingly grounded in the kingdom of darkness. It will unfold as many see the veils that have been hiding the anti-life, anti-humanity, and anti-Christ systems that have been embedded into new-age spirituality, world religions, indigenous spiritual systems, and socio-economic, and political structures.

We will continue to see a rise in discernment and higher perception which will naturally lead to the collapse of different covenants that have been binding us to siphoning, oppressive, and phantom thought systems. 

The Dispensation of the Cosmic Christ

In the current nine-year cycle, we have seen an organic rise and dispensation of the Christ Impulse throughout the world. This Christ Impulse has been moving, quickening, and grounding itself in different atmospheres, dimensions, paradigms, and lands. 

This is a predetermined prophetic timeline event that was spoken of by the sages and prophets in the last two thousand years. It is the beginning layer of the second coming of Christ, as human consciousness has expanded enough to receive the visceral, raw revelation of the Cosmic Christ. 

There have been many people who've been awakening and choosing to receive the dispensation of The Cosmic Christ, especially in the last five years. This has been visibly marked by increased engagement and deepening of the Christ Teachings in both Traditional and Esoteric Christianity spaces. 

Many are engaging with Christ's Teachings within the Bible, but not as it has been taught within the church. Instead, there has been an impulse to read the Bible for oneself as the True, Living Word of God. This is the living emanation, impartation, movement, and interaction with God that can only be fully and truly experienced within the self. 

This impulse will continue to accelerate this year as many on the God path will release their church trauma, expand their spirit of discernment, and finally awaken the spirit of revelation to receive the hidden sealed codes of the Living Word. It is through gnosis, knowledge received by experience, that we will fully receive the dispensation of the Cosmic Christ. 

The dispensation will require the opening of the Sacred Heart. This will unfold as heart-opening events take place in our individual and collective lives thus, releasing the grief that we’ve been holding in this nine-year cycle. When we release the grief in our hearts, we will begin to receive the Christ Impulse, including the healing impartation of the Holy Spirit. 

As the heart heals, we will see an ushering back of our original spiritual birthright, wealth, and anointings. New opportunities, creative expressions, and organic manifestation will rise to meet us from this hearth of our healed hearts. 

In 2025, it’s important to hold the pure intention to know the Cosmic Christ as a field, architecture, impulse, and essence that is the building and living force of our universe. The more you know it for yourself and cultivate a conscious relationship with it, the easier it will be to navigate the negative thought forms and experiences that will arise this year. 

For a long time, our collective consciousness and hearts were not able to receive the greater understanding and vaster reality of the wisdom in the Bible. However, now that the timeline of revelation has been anchored in, we now have access to the greater mysteries and divine truths that were previously sealed.

This year, many will engage with the process of decoding and decolonizing scripture found in the canonical biblical texts, as well as deconstructing the dogmatic teachings that have been centered around tyranny in Traditional Christianity. The false structures and consciousness in dogmatic Christian Systems will continue to collapse this year. 

They will be replaced by the resurrection of the organic revelation that Christ intended to be conveyed through the Bible. And from this resurrection, a new strain, a new thought form, a new consciousness will awaken to give birth to the organic righteous ancient codes of the Cosmic Christ--the pure, unadulterated light that is the origin. This will take place within human souls, the leylines, grids/networks of nature, Mother Earth, and the Kingdom of Heaven.  

The Truth in the Heart 

In 2025, a key theme will be surrender. We will not have to think about, intellectualize, or theorize how to surrender. For those of us embedded with the gift of surrendering, it will happen simply by the opening of our hearts from a primordial, intuitive, instinctual, and collective level. 

This energy of surrender will call us to observe ourselves, to be open to change, and to embrace the unexpected. We will be faced with seeing what the truth is for ourselves, and when we see that truth, it will be as clear as clean water. We will embrace what that truth is for each of us, and begin to truly live our truth, not in words, spiritual groups, or spiritual teachings but, as tangible as one foot walking in front of another. That truth will fill our daily lives, it will be what we focus on, and what will become the driving force behind the beat of our hearts.

We will also begin to speak and move from a place of truth. Even if we don’t try, it will naturally be there due to the environment of completion, which brings forth truth. As a result, more divine unions will surface in alignment with our true spiritual location, evolution, and initiations. There will also be an expansion and energetic lifting for those who have been busy creating coherence in their established divine unions. 

This movement and shift will revolve around the awareness of new and bigger issues that are occurring, connected to the lands where we come from and the principalities of those lands. The truth of what’s been underneath the world will be revealed. The inner thoughts of people about countries, races, religious backgrounds, and sexual identities, are also going to be brought to the surface. There will no longer be veils and coverings when it comes to our true heart intentions. Simply, the previously concealed unconscious or hidden intent will be easily seen and felt, which opens us to truly experience soul and lineage liberation. 

Entering the Monadic Field of the Soul

Something truly miraculous is happening to our souls in 2025. Our souls will enter the monadic fields of our multidimensional reality. The monadic fields are vast fields holding the cosmic streams, memories, and realms of our collective soul groupings, as individuals, and as the Earth. 

This entry into the monadic fields is moving in tandem with the entry of our world soul into its monadic field. At the Earth level, this entry will be reflected by an increase in supernatural phenomena, physical interactions with the spiritual hierarchies, and territorial cosmic warfare as part of supporting the Earth with reclaiming her Cosmic Citizenship. 

At an individual level, we will begin doing our monadic work. Many of us have been on individual healings, individual initiations, and individual studies. Now, in 2025, we will see a surge in collective healing, group work, and group initiations.

This means that we will begin to energetically align and connect, in the physical as well as the spiritual planes, with people who are part of the original flames that formed our soul. These are people we know as soul mates, soul partners, twin souls, and soul tribes. This is good news as this will bring more companionship and less feelings of loneliness on our spiritual path.  

As monadic soul groups, we will begin to support each other more intimately by healing the karmic energies of our individual and world souls. This will happen in closer proximity, where we will be able to physically interact with our different monadic soulmates. These soul mates will come as different characters and expressions, but there will be a clear and unified connection that arises from having similar essence, values, and mission work.

There is now a very clear invitation to all of us. To be granted passage into the kingdom of heaven, there is soul and karmic work to be done. We all are being invited to participate in the monadic soul work to bring about energetic shifts for the greater collective. 

Even in our bloodlines, we will start to see family members we never thought would awaken, taking the mantle of fulfilling the tasks of lineage healing and generational legacy-making. Our generational tasks will begin to include helping, directing, and supporting our bloodline and soul lineages. On the other side,  family members who are not aligned with doing the healing work will further distance themselves.  Naturally, there will be a split, between those who will do the monadic soul work and those who will choose not to do the work. 

We're going to start seeing everything very clearly, as trenched lines will be drawn. We are in the times of Kingdom Work. This is a time for awakening the defending warriors for the reclamation of our purity, innocence, and union with the Godhead. 

Anchoring Our Soul’s Purpose and Mission Work

The impulse of this year is calling us to ask new and brave questions about our purpose and mission work. Naturally, this is going to create a wave of emotions that will include uncertainty and disorientation. But ultimately, there will be a built-up surge where many will enter their truest path outside the influence of the consensus.

The Christ Impulse is actively clearing and conquering falsehoods existing in our pursuit of our soul’s purpose and mission work. We are all being called to become the living embodiment of God’s prophecy for our lives. 

For those walking their God path, there is going to be a collapse of false teachings, ideologies, and artificial maps that have deterred us from the righteous impulse of our purpose, anointing, and prophecy. 

The lure of false missions will dissolve as it becomes clear the level of emptiness, void, and depletion many have experienced pursuing these false missions. The collapse will be followed by the purification and revival of our true mission work. As we move through this purification sweep, there will be difficult but, necessary confrontations about our relationship with money, purpose, and fulfillment.

For some, we will be forced to confront the truth of how the pursuit of false missions (such as our career path and entrepreneurial pursuit) has not brought forth the currency nor fulfillment within our spirit the way we thought it would. We will be asked to dissolve the hesitation, resistance, and fear, so we can take the lead in our organic, assigned spiritual authorization, jurisdiction, and territories.

Those who fully embrace their purpose and mission will see the rewards of their commitment to be in service to the collective. In some instances, the Christ Impulse will catapult those pursuing their purpose and mission work in an organic timeline with massive support, acknowledgment, and abundance. 

The boundary lines between people who are fully embracing their purpose and mission work, and those who are lukewarm, hesitating, or rejecting their purpose/mission work, will turn into vast trenches with depth, as the Christ Impulse continues to anchor in our world. 

Contrarily, for those who are hesitating and rejecting the call of their soul, there will be tests of faith and continuous invitations to leap on the side of light. These invitations and tests will come in different forms:  vivid dreams or visions actively doing our mission work,  roadblocks rising whenever we attempt to pursue false missions, and collapse of infrastructures, resources, and environments that create false senses of security.

Some of the questions that will naturally arise this year include:

  • What has been the consistent truth that has been moving through my pursuit of my purpose and mission work? 

  • Where has my suffering been coming within my purpose and mission work? 

  • Where have I been deceived by others in my pursuit of my purpose and mission work? 

  • Where have I adopted certain mindsets and teachings that have become another illusory trap in the pursuit of my purpose and mission work? 

  • What are the mindsets and teachings that I learned from social media influencers, and religious, or spiritual leaders that do not align with my purpose and mission work? 

Ultimately, we are individually called to align with the true energetics of our purpose and mission work. This is the true energetics of pure integrity, righteousness, purity, and commitment to be of service to others. 

This is the year to uninstall and end the subtle, spiritual, and mental fields that have been looping us in false missions. And consequently, activate the true, organic architecture of our purpose and mission work that is based on righteousness, purity, liberation, and truth. 

This Prophetic Insight is part of our Body of Work in Revival and Healers Sanctum. If you are interested in receiving your prophetic insights for 2025, BOOK THE HARMONIC PROPHECY SESSION , and/or begin your 1-on-1 WORK IN REVIVAL -HEALING PROTOCOL.


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