Warrior Mystery School is a temple for the master initiation, psychospiritual healing and lineage liberation of oracles.

We provide mentorship and training in Ancient Mystery Teachings, Rites of Passages and Immersions as pathways for the Advancement of Oracles. Our Healing and Initiation Pathways are centered on the Christ Ascension process, which focuses on the psychospiritual healing of the inner child, soul and ancestral aspects, with the ultimate intention of the regeneration, restoration and liberation of consciousness to its organic state as the Eternal Christos/Highest Self/iThongo.

What we stand for:

Resurrection of the Christed Self.

Restorations of Lineages.

Creation of Mission-Led Legacies.

Our Living Lineage

We are a lineage of the Celestial Children of the Holy Suns.

A primordial lineage of cosmic beings with origins from and beyond the trinities of suns. From the Holy Suns, we entered this field of sleep, forgetting our celestial starhood and our multidimensional stations of identities, origins, and office.

Throughout the time of antiquity, we became the Sleeping Ancients, who weaved the time-events, fields and dreams of Gaia, with our cosmic bodies.

We are the Founder Guardians, the Threefold Flame Incarnates, the Emerald Records Holders, the Officers of the Christ, the Priests & Pristesses of Ur, the White Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Amenti, the Solar Dragon Luminaries, the Lemurian Clan Mothers, the Venusian Oracles, the Sirian-Lyran Council, the Order of Melchizedek, the Priestesses of the Rose Lineages, the Maji Grail Kings & Queens… who are now remembering our cosmic heritages and missions.

We are here to be the Lineage Liberators, Timeline Architects, System Disruptors, Grid-workers, Maji Grailkeepers and Dreamweavers of the Ancient Future Earth.

We are the Ancient Warriors, those who find themselves going first, paving the new expression of consciousness in the unfolding timelines. The bodhisattvas, who find themselves, over and over again, called to the path of Christhood. The complete devotion to the perilous path of constantly awakening to the falsehood of the personal and collective reality, resurrecting the Christed I AM Self, aligning with the Divine Will of Prime Creator God, and being in service to that which transcends the self—the other part of the whole.

We are known through the epochs as the Ancient Devotees of God and Mother Earth: Healers, Oracles, Shamans, Priests/Priestesses, Prophets/Prophetesses, Medicine Men/Women, Spiritual Teachers, Mentors, Artists, and Leaders.

As Initiates of Mastery, we are devoted to the path of organic ascension that is grounded in the invocation and embodiment of the Cosmic Christ, the Great I AM, that is the divine essence and architecture of who we truly are.  

Our work is to imbibe the Eternal Flame of the Personal and Cosmic Christ as a miraculous medicine for etherizing the blood, dissolving the ancestral miasma/karmic imprints held in the DNA, liberating our soul and ancestral aspects from artificial timelines, and consequently stepping in the Planetary Missions of purifying and restoring the Great Dreams of Earth Lineages.

As a grail ancestry, we are the Ancient Warriors with Star and Galactic Origins, Founder and Solar Consciousness, Lemurian, Atlantean and Egyptian/Kemetian Consciousness. Our elemental lineages are the solar dragons, christed mermaids, magical fairies and guardians of the land. 

The thread of our lineage is Ancient Future. We are crafted from the gestalt of old, primordial and eternal consciousness. We are here to honor the ways of our ancestors, as well as weave the celestial ways in our ever-evolving lineage. 


We honor and acknowledge the teachings of the Tswana Cosmology, Kalanga Wisdom, Zulu Shamans, Sophia Oracles, Dragon Medicine, Elohei-Elohim Lineages, Freedom Teachings and Emerald Records for their influence in our lineage work.

We pay gratitude to our mentors: Rre Joshua Matsime, Rre Bishop, Gogo Tafadzwa Sithole, Vangile Makwakwa, Nehanda Yemaya, Emily Joy Harris, Leah Steele, Freedom Franklin, Alexandra Smith, and Victoria Washington who have significantly contributed to our evolution.

We honor the influence of the earth and cosmic wisdom of our living generations, our living elders, our ancestral guardians and the land guardians of Botswana, South Africa and United States America.

The mantle is in our hands, and now we continue to tend to the purification, restoration and liberation of our Earth and Cosmic Lineages.

Meet the Team





Joy Mogami - Oracle Initiator

Joy Mogami is a Solar Sophia Oracle, African Prophet, Psychospiritual Healer, and Oracle Initiator on a planetary mission to awaken oracular and prophetic gifts for the spiritually gifted, as well as facilitate the initiation of rites of passages, cosmic maps, genetic records, and healing technologies of the Oracles, particularly those stationed in Africa. 

As a Messenger of God, her teachings are oracular transmissions that are spirit-filled revelations, inner gnosis, and divine messages from Amathongo (the Ancient Dreamweavers), the Holy Spirit, the Office of Christ, and Source God. 

She has been a healing practitioner for 13 years; first as a psychology student, a psycho-spiritual coach, an African Priestess, a Solar Sophia Oracle, and now as an Oracle Initiator with training in Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Esoteric Christianity, Bioregenesis Studies, and Quantum Healing. 

Her practice engages in many different forms of earth and energy medicine, which includes Harmonic Prophecy, Morphogenetic DNA Fieldwork, Ancestral Lineage Healing, Soul Retrieval, Timeline Repairs, Quantum Repatterning, Psycho-Spiritual Healing, Subtle Body Regeneration, Karmic Clearing, Elemental Medicine (Water, Prayer, and herbs), and Harmonic Language.

She is commissioned as a record keeper, spiritual pioneer, and lineage liberator for the African Grids and Ley-lines. She is our residential course creator, oracular channel, and mentor.

Oracle of Nala. Lineage Liberator. Grailkeeper.

Weff Xaveair - Cosmic Priest

Weff Xaveair is a Cosmic Priest, Ordained Reverend, Immortal Eternal Alchemist, and Shadow Worker on a planetary mission of returning and anchor in the Christos Impulse based on righteousness, purity and integrity.

He upholds the Christos Teachings with a focus in the dissolution of the ego, seven deadly sins, and all paths that do not lead to back to the righteousness of God.

His specialty includes Christos Cultivation, Subconscious Reprogramming, Seership/Prophecy, Soul Liberation, Sexual Alchemy/Healing, Breathwork (Pranayama), Prayer Intercession, Light Body Mechanics and Shadow Body Healing.

Weff is our residential creative director, prophetic channel, and mentor.

Ordained Reverend. Immortal Eternal Alchemist. Shadow Worker

 So, you keen to join our lineage?

We’d love to journey with you! Join our living lineage by applying for any of our core programs.